Friday, August 2, 2013

Freezing Garden Fresh Green Beans

For the past few weeks the kids and I have been picking green beans every other day or so.  I freeze our beans as my family doesn't like them canned and they tell me the frozen beans taste as if they were just picked.  I have no idea if this is true as I loath green beans.  But they must be pretty darn good as my whole family will eat them.  

For example, today I had cooked up some beans for supper and when we were done and began to clean off the table there sat the bowl of uneaten green beans.  Well, while I made some strawberry shakes the kids and my husband sat munching on the green beans.  It's so nice having a family who eats almost everything I make.

Now back to the green beans.  

Before I freeze them I blanch them in boiling water for one-and-a-half to two minutes.  Or if the beans "pop" pull them out of the boiling water as you have left them in too long.  You don't want to cook the beans.

Then immediately transfer them to cold water to stop the cooking.  I just throw them into my sick (don't worry I cleaned it.)

Then I package them into sandwich bags into the amount I think my family will eat at a meal.

Finally I place the individual bags in a Ziploc and freeze. 

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