Before I begin writing about the college class I need to go on a slight detour - please bear with me.
When I began homeschooling my children 4 years ago immediately I became aware of something, and when I say immediately - I mean from day one. This something is so outrageous that all parents with children in school should be protesting out in the streets. There really should be all out bedlam, but there isn't. And it makes me wonder why?
Now you are asking what is this revelation of mine? Children in school (public or private) are not learning what they are capable of learning. I know for the veteran homeschoolers this is a "duh" moment, but there are so many parents out there that have no idea what is, or is not, going on in their local school. It is disheartening to think of millions of children stuck in a room all day and being bored to death. Everyday I see what my kids are learning, reading, doing and it makes me sad, and not just sad for those kids sitting in school; but being a sinful human being, and thus a bit self-centered, I am sad for myself. I spent almost 13 years in school, 7 hours a day, 180 days a year learning so little it would be laughable if it wasn't so tragic. But even in the worst of situations there is always a silver lining to the black cloud looming over head and I plan to correct the injustice of the past.
Now that we are beginning our 4th year homeschooling and the kids are old enough to do much of the work on their own, I have some extra time on my hands. I am taking a college class and the best part is, it is free! I am not getting college credit, but this is of no importance to me. I just want to learn and I am having a grand old time in the process. Even with my college degree I am reminded daily how little I know and so this class is one step towards filling in the gaps of my ignorance.
I giggle a little seeing that word "ignorance". It brings me back to a Western Civ. class I took and the professor told us the difference between ignorance and stupidity and only at the end of the course would we prove if were were truly ignorant or actually stupid! But I digress again.
I am taking a Mythology class from There are lectures to watch and quizzes to take, and reading and writing assignments to do. My hope is at the end I will not prove my stupidity! One other reason for taking this class is to see if it would be a good resource for my children. I know they are getting a wonderful education at home, but there is a difference in reading a book and sitting in a lecture class. I know they will be academically prepared for college, but I want them to get the feel for sitting in a class and taking notes from a speaker. Also, the deadlines are set in stone. No Mom to let you off when you are a bit late turning in an assignment!
Now, some of you may be saying "Aren't you being a bit hypocritical by saying classrooms are a waste of time, but an on-line course is fine?" No, because I chose the class and I believe it is challenging for me. The problem with one-size-fits-all classrooms is within that class are all types of learners, at many different levels and with many different interests. Why is a child who is a fluent reader stuck with other children who are just beginning to read? Or why is a student who can multiply and divide stuck in a room still learning 2+2? And why is the one who loves science stuck learning only the surface of the subject and not taking an in-depth approach.
The only reason is the age of the student. When a person is homeschooled they can whiz along in subjects they find easy, but slow down in subjects that are a bit more difficult. Also. a student can delve deeply into his or her passion. This has a double benefit: a child does not get "bored" with school as they are constantly being challenged and they do not get left behind but learn the material before moving on to the next topic.
Now, I must end this post as I have an assignment due and there's no Mom to let me off the hook!
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