Saturday, March 30, 2013

Taco Seasoning Mix Recipe

I use taco seasoning in so many dishes.  Tacos of course, but I have a great dip that uses it.  My oldest loves it so much it was a birthday dish request this year.  I put a dash or two of it in my homemade re-fried beans and in a hamburger helper knock-off I created, but what I don't love about it is the extra ingredients that are added to the packets you buy in the store.  I've made a few mixes at home, but so many of them are a bit too spicy for my kids or the flavor is just a bit off, but then a neighbor gave me her recipe and it tastes just like the packets you buy.  This one is a winner in my book.

Taco Seasoning - Makes 1 Packet

1 T Dried Onion Flakes
2 t Chili Powder
1/2-3/4 t Salt
1 t  Garlic Powder
1 t  Cornstarch
1 t  Cumin
[1/2-1 t. Cayenne Pepper (I omit as it is pretty spicy as is, but if you like it spicy go ahead!)]

Since pulling out various spices to make just one packet of seasoning is a great waste of time in my book, I make up a large batch of this and then store it in a couple of jars. I buy my hamburger in bulk and repackage it, but I never get it divided into precise 1 lb packages. Due to this I never measure out the seasoning when I use it. After browning and draining my hamburger, I just spoon some in and taste test it. Then I add a 1/4-1/2 C. water and simmer it until it thickens.

Taco Seasoning - Makes 16 Servings 

1 C. Dried Onion Flakes
1/2 C + 2 T + 2 t Chili Powder
3 T Salt
1/4 C + 1 T + 1 t  Garlic Powder
1/4 C + 1 T + 1 t  Cornstarch
1/4 C + 1 T + 1 t  Cumin
(3 T Cayenne if you want it spicy!)

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