Friday, July 5, 2013

What We Are Using For A Typing Curriculum

I love summer.  Not only has the snow disappeared and the outdoors no longer look like Siberia, but it is a time for us to slow things down a bit.  We are able to catch our breath, relax and just enjoy the few nice months Fargo, ND has to offer. Plus it gives me a chance to have the children work on a few subjects which we never seem to have time to do during the school year.

But have you noticed life never goes as planned?  Instead of slowing things down and enjoying some well earned time off my oldest is catching up on some neglected lessons: history, spelling and math.  Instead of enjoying summer this child has been spending the last 8 weeks doing schoolwork.  Math is finally done, but there is still a bit of history left and a lot of spelling.  I should have been a bit more diligent and checked up on my child's progress, or to be more specific, lack of progress.  Sigh....Sometimes I feel as if I have failed as a homeschool parent.  A future post maybe?

Back to summer and our "relaxed" schedule.  Like I said even though we are enjoying the nice weather I still have the children do a bit of school.  All 3 are working on botany.  I love Apologia's botany and summer is the perfect time to do it.  I always tell those who are thinking of homeschooling to give Apologia science a try.  You will not be disappointed.

Also, the 2 oldest will be learning how to type.  I feel that in this electronic day-&-age everyone needs to not only know how to type, but how to type properly.  I hate seeing people peck at the keyboard - my kids will learn how to type properly!  When we first started homeschooling 4 years ago I purchased a computer game that was supposed to teach typing and it was a complete failure and waste of my children's time if you ask me.  So last year I thought I would go old school and purchase something similar to what I used when I was younger.  I have been so impressed with Rod and Staff's grammar I thought I would try their typing curriculum.  Well, I was looking for old school and that is what this is.  They even suggest using a typewriter (I think I have seen one or two at a garage sale or thrift store), but we will have the children use the computer.  I understand why they suggest a typewriter - you can't correct your mistakes - but we don't own one and I am not going to purchase a typewriter to be used just for typing lessons.  

My plan is to have the kids type a few lessons each day this summer.  At the end of the summer I will let you know how it went and what we like or dislike with this program.  To be honest I can't image I will find too much to dislike as it resembles the typing course I took back 30+ years ago and since I am a fairly proficient typer I feel if it worked for me it will work for my children. (Oh my, that sounds a bit like a public school parent telling me to send my kids to the local school.  I need to be a bit more careful how I phrase things!)

I pray this typing curriculum works and won't bite me in the butt.  I don't think my ego, which was bruised due to my lack of keeping tabs on the progress (again lack of) of my oldest's school work, can take another beating from a poorly chosen typing curriculum.  Please don't fail me now Rod and Staff!

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